Explore Sheshan
  • Legend-Ancient Guangfulin Town

    May 21, 2012

    On the eastern bank of Chenshan Pond, there is a 500m long street stretching from east to west. The traces of an ancient town are dimly visible. According to historical records, people settled in Guangfulin more than 4,000 years ago.

  • Legend-Decade's ups and downs

    May 21, 2012

    At the southern foot of the East Sheshan Mountain and on the northern bank of the Shanqian River, there was a small street stretching more than 600m from west to east.

  • Legend-Divine Tiger's Den

    May 21, 2012

    According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Zhizheng in the Yuan Dynasty (around AD 1277), an eminent monk called Ming Beng, also known as Monk Zhong Feng came to the Xiaokun Mountain and advocated Buddhism in the Sizhou Pagoda Complex. More than 500 people listened to his preaching.

  • Legend-Emperor Qianlong and Dragon Riding Weir

    May 21, 2012

    On the slope of the East Sheshan Mountain, there is a winding stone path, nearly 300m long and only more than 1m wide. The path looks like a lying dragon crossing a ridge down from the west to the east.

  • Legend-Lansun Mountain named by Emperor Kangxi

    May 21, 2012

    According to legend, three old gardeners planted orchids on Sheshan Mountain. Whenever, orchids bloomed in spring, people in the towns would come to Sheshan Mountain to appreciate the flowers.

  • Tiger Tree Pavilion

    May 21, 2012

    In the late Tang Dynasty (AD 618~907), Southern zenist and eminent monk Chuang Zi loved the natural landscape.

  • Monk and Pagoda

    May 21, 2012

    According to legend, a monk roamed around the world and arrived at the nine peaks in the Taipingxingguo Period of the Northern Song Dynasty (AD 960~1127).

  • Zhou Chu found a teacher in Small Kunshan Mountain

    May 21, 2012

    Lu Yun (AD 262~303) was gentle, quiet, intelligent and fond of learning. He could read the Analects of Confucius and the Book of Songs at five years old and could write compositions at six years old.

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